Unlock the Financial
Potential of Your Home
Proud members of the industry body for the UK equity release sector

A Lifetime Mortgage may reduce the value of your estate and may affect your entitlement to means-tested benefits and tax status. The impact of not servicing monthly interest payments on a Lifetime Mortgage is that the outstanding debt can grow rapidly, thus reducing the value of your estate. For example, if the interest rate was 7% a year, a £50,000 loan would double to £100,000 after 10 years assuming no repayments are made. This is an example for illustrative purposes only and personalised advice and recommendations should be sought from a qualified professional. You are strongly advised to grant power of attorney. This will allow your affairs to be managed by somebody else if you were to lose capacity or if you were unable to manage your affairs for any other reasons.
“Do I Qualify For Equity Release?”
Why Release Your Equity
Releasing cash from your home can help in a number of ways that will let you enjoy your retirement without financial strain. The cash released can be spent any way that you like, including some of the following examples:

Settle Your Financial Worries
One thing that no-one looks forward to after retirement is having bills and other financial responsibilities to worry about. Having money from equity release can help to give peace of mind that you don’t need to stress about having enough to settle the bills.

Live Out Your Dream Holiday
There is always the big trip that you’ve thought about but never been ableto take. Retirement is the perfect time to seize the opportunity to travel, but costs can often be very high, so having the security afforded by equity release can make sure that your dream holidays come true.

Help To Pay Your Mortgage
Many people approach their retirement with outstanding mortgage bills hanging over their heads, as well as thousands of people with interest-only mortgages maturing in the near future with thousands of pounds of shortfall. The funds released from your home’s equity can help towards this.

Give Your Home A Face-Lift
Retirement can be the best and often only time to make significant changes and improvements to your home, from extensions and conservatories to giving the whole place a new lick of paint or sprucing up the garden. Having the extra funds from equity release makes this even easier and manageable.

Give Back To Your Family
Funds from equity release become important if you choose to provide financially for your family more during your retirement, rather than saving an inheritance for when you’re gone. This can include help with education fees, buying property, business investments or simply to spend as they wish.

Move To Somewhere New
Many people may not want to live in the same house for their later years, with families growing up and moving on or the size becoming unmanageable. Whatever your choice for a new home, your current one can help to fund the difference or simply offer more security and peace of mind for the move.

Refer a Client Now
for Equity Release
Lifetime Mortgages are the most popular equity release option because of the range of flexible features they offer. If you or a client would like to learn more, click below to contact us today and arrange a complimentary consultation.
Our advisers will discuss with you whether or not equity release is the most suitable option for the client and their beneficiaries.

“You understand that I felt it was a long journey, but at the same time the process was handled very professionally by yourself and latterly by Maureen, and that undoubtedly made all the difference to the outcome.”
Customer – December 2023

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